Concert in Venus Voice GIG ….

Hi to all, Chino here.

Recently there is a concert in Japan with this Bar named Guilty which is located in Tokyo, Shibuya area. It happened on 16th Oct 2011, Organised by Yonezawa Madoka (米澤円), seiyuu of Ui from K-on, with guest appearance of Chika Fujito(藤東知夏),Seiyuu of Nodoka, Noda Junko(野田順子),Inoue Nana(井ノ上奈々), Shoji Yui(庄子裕衣)


This mini concert start at 7 pm. Queue starts as early as around 6pm or some even earlier…. But even though they reach early, they enter into the concert area by their numbers indicated on the ticket.

Well it is a free standing area which means anyone can stand in front if there is space available. Oh forgot to mentioned that there is a seperated fee of 500 yen when you enter for drink, which is any drink in the bar that you wanted.

As the time strikes to 7 pm, Madoka as MC stating the rules of the house, then follow by Chika Fujito start the ball rolling with songs.
1.Shining☆Days / 藤東知夏 (TVアニメ「舞-HiME」OP1、原曲:栗林みな実)
2.Northern Lights / 藤東知夏 (TVアニメ「シャーマンキング」OP2、原曲:林原めぐみ)
(Well, I am impressed by her voice to sing this song… Very impressive)
3.陽の音(あきのおと) / 藤東知夏 (オリジナル)

After which there is a Duet of Madoka & Fujito with this song.
4.マジックナンバー / 米澤円、藤東知夏 (TVアニメ「こばと。」OP、原曲:坂本真綾)

After the exit of Fujito, she called in Inoue Nana with the following songs.
5.君の知らない物語 / 井ノ上奈々 (TVアニメ「化物語」ED、原曲:supercell)
6.ゆずれない願い / 井ノ上奈々 (TVアニメ「魔法騎士レイアース」OP、原曲:田村直美)
7.ハレルヤ彗星群 / 井ノ上奈々 (PC「ブルーブラスター」ミチル=フェアテーゼ(CV:井ノ上奈々)キャラクターソング)
8.秘密ドールズ / 井ノ上奈々、庄子裕衣 (TVアニメ「ストロベリー・パニック」ED1、原曲:中原麻衣、清水愛)
(After this song, they use they hand to make into a mouth and start ‘kissing’ each other with the hands.)
9.ユメノツバサ(Duet Ver.) / 井ノ上奈々、庄子裕衣 (TVアニメ「ツバサ・クロニクル」挿入歌、原曲:小狼(CV:入野自由)、サクラ(CV:牧野由依))
10.Get along / 井ノ上奈々、庄子裕衣 (TVアニメ「スレイヤーズ」OP、原曲:林原めぐみ、奥井雅美)
(When I heard this song, I went crazy….. Never really did expect to hear this live version….. )

Then follow by the take over of Shoji Yui with this list.
11.Butter-Fly / 庄子裕衣 (TVアニメ「デジモンアドベンチャー」OP、原曲:和田光司)
12.Horizon of The Universe / 庄子裕衣 (TVアニメ「Soul Link」カレン=タチバナ(CV:庄子裕衣)キャラクターソング)
(When she mentioned the song before the start and ask if anyone know this anime which is ‘old’ and she is surprised that there are people that know this.)
13.ブルーウォーター / 庄子裕衣 (TVアニメ「ふしぎの海のナディア」OP、原曲:森川美穂)

After which there is a break of around 20 mins and the concert continues with a change of the band. Starting it off with Noda Junko.
14.勇気の神様 / 野田順子 (PS「ときめきメモリアル2」OP)
15.Chance to Shine / 野田順子 (TVアニメ「オーバン・スターレーサーズ」OP、原曲:AKINO)
16. 花華~HANA~ / 野田順子 (PS「ときめきメモリアル2」陽ノ下光(CV:野田順子)イメージソング)

Well, Junko did mentioned that her last live like this was back then and this is like bringing memories back to her… 😛 After which she called in Madoka to sing a duet.
17.Follow Me feat.Sound Around / 米澤円、野田順子 (OVA「異世界の聖機師物語」OP、原曲:加賀美セイラ)

After which Madoka took over and sang these songs.
18.Precious Memories / 米澤円 (TVアニメ「君が望む永遠」OP、原曲:栗林みな実)
19.鳥の詩 / 米澤円 (PC「AIR」OP、原曲:Lia)
( I never expected again to hear this song live and there it is so touching as I recalled the anime)
20.冥夜花伝廊 / 米澤円 (TVアニメ「刀語」OP1、原曲:栗林みな実)
21.ライオン / 米澤円 (TVアニメ「マクロスF」OP2、原曲:May’n、中島愛)
(As she said this is the last song, she surprised the audience with this name of the song and the audience jusst went crazy with cheers for this. I would said this song sang by her is indeed good. I think she did a good job with this song and I like it despite hearing it ‘live’ before)

Then Madoka called in everyone and with a change of their clothes, they declared their second last song.
22.Super Noisy Nova / 米澤円、野田順子、藤東知夏、井ノ上奈々、庄子裕衣 (TVアニメ「宙のまにまに」OP、原曲:スフィア)
(The crowd went even crazier and started cheering with them singing. Me too…. :))
23.ハッピー☆マテリアル / 米澤円、野田順子、藤東知夏、井ノ上奈々、庄子裕衣 (TVアニメ「魔法先生ネギま!」OP、原曲:麻帆良学園女子中等部2-A)
( Then this song !! Wow… !! Live !!)

Well this concert really surprised by with a lot of things especially the songs list… the only thing is I did not bring any Ultra Orange Light stick whcih I should. Well time and the thought of maybe not too much songs or something came that stop me from getting it. But nevertheless, this is a good Experience and I really enjoyed it. 😛

I would like to express my thanks to the performers and staff for doing a good job.

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